Drunken Zebra

Life often resembles a zebra, with its alternating dark and light stripes, but it’s a good journey nonetheless, much like the stride of a striped horse. To infuse more joy into this zebra-like existence, I’ve created the Drunken Zebra, a dessert cocktail or jelly cocktail, call it what you will, based on the delightful combination of Panna Cotta and berry jelly.

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Kahlua and White Russian

On February 27th, we raise our glasses high in celebration of National Kahlua Day. My recommendation for the occasion is the classic White Russian, a cherished coffee liqueur cocktail whose origins are veiled in mystery.

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Brandy Alexander

January 31st marks Brandy Alexander Day.

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Irish Coffee

On January 25th, we celebrate Irish Coffee Day.

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As December envelops the world in festive decorations, illuminates countless homes with the twinkle of holiday lights, and drives shoppers into a whirlwind of excitement, it heralds the return of a beloved tradition in countries touched by the British Empire’s influence – eggnog.

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