Drunken Zebra

Life often resembles a zebra, with its alternating dark and light stripes, but it’s a good journey nonetheless, much like the stride of a striped horse. To infuse more joy into this zebra-like existence, I’ve created the Drunken Zebra, a dessert cocktail or jelly cocktail, call it what you will, based on the delightful combination of Panna Cotta and berry jelly.

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Kahlua and White Russian

On February 27th, we raise our glasses high in celebration of National Kahlua Day. My recommendation for the occasion is the classic White Russian, a cherished coffee liqueur cocktail whose origins are veiled in mystery.

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Brandy Alexander

January 31st marks Brandy Alexander Day.

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Irish Coffee

On January 25th, we celebrate Irish Coffee Day. The concept of adding sugar, alcohol, and cream to hot coffee dates back to the 19th century. However, the modern cocktail of Irish whiskey, coffee, and cream—now loved worldwide and officially recognized as a “Contemporary Classic” by the International Bartenders Association (IBA)—was invented in Ireland in 1943, with some help from the aviation industry.

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December is a month filled with decorated Christmas trees, skyrocketing electricity bills from billions of Christmas lights, shopping madness, and, in countries touched by the legacy of the British Empire, the beloved tradition of eggnog.

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